Thursday, March 26, 2020

Important Internet of Things Components

Important Internet of Things Components

Many people mistakenly think of IoT as an independent technology. Interestingly the internet of things is being enabled by the presence of other independent technologies that make fundamental components of IoT.
The fundamental components that make the internet of things a reality are:
  • Hardware-Making physical objects responsive and giving them the capability to retrieve data and respond to instructions
  • Software-Enabling the data collection, storage, processing, manipulating and instructing
  • Communication Infrastructure-Most important of all is the communication infrastructure which consists of protocols and technologies which enable two physical objects to exchange data

As the telecommunication sector is becoming more extensive and efficient, broadband internet is widely available. With technological advancement, it is now much cheaper to produce necessary sensors with built-in wifi capabilities making connecting devices less costly.
Most importantly, smartphone usage has surpassed all the predicted limits and the telecommunication sector is already working on its toes to keep their customers satisfied by improving their infrastructure. As IoT devices need no separate communication than the existing one building IoT tech is very cheap and highly achievable.

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