Networking Field Service Technician
The Quick Definition: Route redistribution is a process that allows a network to use a routing protocol to dynamically route traffic based on information learned from a different routing protocol. Route redistribution helps increase accessibility within networks. Routing consists of more than sending packets from one network location to another. The routing process also includes learning routes and determining the most efficient ways to handle network traffic.
Routers are configured in several ways that enable them to learn a route. The simplest method is to manually configure static routes. A static route tells the router exactly where to send packets. For example, a static route tells Router 1 to route packets to Router 2, and then Router 2 is manually configured to send packets to Router 3.
The issue with static routes is that many routes change configurations — and the patch from one router to another often changes as a network grows. You can have thousands of different routes, and if one changes, you could be left manually configuring several routers. This can be a time-consuming process, especially when it comes to a larger network.
There’s something to be said for that server still running Server 2000. It’s been running flawlessly since before you joined the company. It’s actually been running since before you graduated from high school. That’s fine for some equipment. However, if you’re not keeping your networking equipment up to date, you’re just asking for speed and security issues.
Watch for end of life dates for hardware. When manufacturers move onto newer models, they often stop updating their older machines. Speed might be the holy grail, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore things like safety and security
Watch for end of life dates for hardware. When manufacturers move onto newer models, they often stop updating their older machines. Speed might be the holy grail, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore things like safety and security
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